Fall Already?

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Mid August. Temperature here in Florida has decreased to the mid nineties. The days are getting shorter (how come the work days aren’t getting shorter!). Football Preseason football games are on television.  Lying politicians are filling the airwaves with obnoxious political ads. Fall must be right around the corner.

As I walked through the beer aisle at a local Publix grocery store I noticed a new arrival. The Fall Collection from Sam Adams.  The Fall Collection consists of  two each of the following beers: Sam Adams Boston Lager, Sam Adams Black Lager, Sam Adams Irish Red, Sam Adams Oktoberfest (finally a fall beer!), Sam Adams Dunkelweizen (sounds kind of fall-ish),  and Sam Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale (definitely fall). The Dunkelweizen and the Harvest Pumpkin Ale are noted as being exclusive to the Fall Collection. The twelve beer collection was priced at $12.49.

Of the six beers, I’ve had five of them before, with the Harvest Pumpkin Ale being the new beer in the glass. I do enjoy the pumpkinesque beers, so I’m anxious to try it. And the Sam Adams Oktoberfest beer is one of my favorites from Sam Adams. Amber malty goodness.

This weekend I may get out the rake, knock some leaves off the magnolia tree and drink some fine fall beer.

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